Remove VBA Password 4.9.2 2022

Remove VBA Password 4.9.2 Latest Version Download 2022

Remove VBA Password 4.9.2 Crack 2022

Remove VBA Password  is a simple, yet powerful tool that can instantly remove any VBA passwords* and can unlock locked VBA projects in almost any type of file. It supports an extensive array** of applications including Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook, FrontPage), MS Project, and most other Microsoft products. It supports Autodesk AutoCAD, Bentley MicroStation and other CAD/CAM applications, other Office software packages, and various GIS, OCR, drawing, and other VBA-enabled applications.

Sometimes while investigating a cybercrime, VBA projects come in limelight protected with passwords, and to reveal artifacts embed in VBA files the password needs to be removed. Being a program-level application, the password assignment is not easy to and hence the need for some forensically sound VBA Password remover program to remove the VBA project password comes in handy. Also to save and efforts in generating VBA file passwords manually & maintaining the integrity of data throughout the recovery process, most of the inspecting teams prefer to adopt professional ways to VBA passwords and perform VBA password forensics.

After competing with market demands and satisfying the needs of thousands of investigators, a VBA Password remover, meant to remove VBA project password, is now expanding hands in the forensics arena. The tool helps to unlock passwords from VBA documents and will generate a new password to open VBA documents. All major MS Office document files including Doc, Dot, Xls, Xela, and MDB are supported by the tool to extract VBA passwords.

The recovery of any all types of the password is an achievement of tool that helps forensic researchers to combat VBA projects of highly specialized technocrats. The graphical user interface of the tool helps to satisfy the needs of both beginner and expert level examiners to preview details of VBA Projects. The MS Office versions that come under investigation include 2007, 2003, 2000, 97, and XP. Moreover, all major Windows OS versions supported by the tool to run and execute VBA Password recovery program on 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, or Windows 7/8/8.1, 2008/2012 (32-bit & 64-bit).

Remove VBA Password Activation Number offers you the possibility to import a user-defined VBA file with the aid of the built-in browse button or drag-and-drop support. To entirety things, up, Remove VBA Password conveys an easy-to-deal-with and effective programming answer for helping you immediately expel secret word ensured VBA records and can be arranged by youngsters and experts alike.

Technical Traits Of Forensically Sound VBA Password Remover Tool       

  • The tool helps to examine the details saved in protected VBA projects by the source code passwords.
  • For the proper investigation of the VBA project, the tool will generate a new password by eliminating the old one from the VBA file. This provides unlimited access to the VBA file once the password is removed from the VBA document.
  • Recovery details section previews details like VBA project, old password, and newly generated passwords that help to keep records of old password and VBA document file.
  • The Windows-based compatibility tool to remove VBA project password, help highly specialized forensics investigators, legal attorneys, and other inspecting teams to run the tool on all basic Windows OS including 8.1 and below.
  • Irrespective of the complexity of passwords and risks involved in eliminating details of VBA projects, the tool provides access to the new password for opening VBA projects to scrutinize details.

How it works

I will try my best to explain how it works – please excuse my English.

  1. The VBE will call a system function to create the password dialog box.
  2. If the user enters the right password and clicks OK, this function returns 1. If the user enters the wrong password or clicks Cancel, this function returns 0.
  3. After the dialog box is closed, the VBE checks the returned value of the system function
  4. if this value is 1, the VBE will “think” that the password is right, hence the locked VBA project will be opened.
  5. The code below swaps the memory of the original function used to display the password dialog with a user-defined function that will always return 1 when being called.

Key features include:

  • Passwords of any length and character set are supported and removed in seconds.
  • Intentionally or accidentally locked VBA projects are unlocked instantly.
  • Secure password removal without damages to the file + automatic backup.
  • Support for Office 97 to 2013 and 365 file formats of all supported VBA host applications.
  • Supports all MS Windows platforms including Windows 10.
  • Supports command-line usage for custom scripting. (Pro edition only).
  • Reset VBA Password locked out from your own programs easily.
  • You can change or remove the passwords of protected VBA project files.
  • Compatible with Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000.
  • Supports Microsoft Office 2007-2013 file formats
  • VBA  recovers any types of passwords including multi-lingual passwords.
  • Reset VBA Password automatic backup software.

Passwords of any length and character set are supported and removed in seconds. Intentionally or accidentally locked VBA projects are also supported. Overall, Remove VBA Password is a great tool that does exactly what it says on the tin. It is lightweight, powerful, and has a simple interface.

*The trial version has limitations: it only tests if the edition can remove the password/lock.

**MS Excel 5.0, 7.0, and 95 XLA add-ins are not supported.

System Requirements:

  • Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
  • Pentium 4 or later
  • 512 MB of RAM
  • 10 MB space

App Info:

  • Title: Remove VBA Password
  • Filename:
  • File size: 575KB (588,310 bytes)
  • Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
  • Languages: Multiple languages
  • License: Commercial Demo
  • Date added: June 20, 2018
  • Author: Dombaj Soft

Remove VBA Password Crack

Remove VBA Password Serial Key:


Remove VBA Password License Key:


Remove VBA Password 2022 Key:


How To Install & Activate Remove VBA Password Final?

  • Turn off internet connection (important).
  • install Remove VBA Password as the trial.
  • Exit Advanced Remove VBA Password from the system tray or kill it with the task manager
  • Run (as administrator) and click on the button.
  • Use provided the license key for Activation.
  • Enjoy! Remove VBA Password Version Registered

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